1.It was the high price fetched by Nortel's patents that opened the eyes of Motorola's directors, people briefed on the matter said.
2.The balance scales held by the rider to measure out the grain, and the very high price of the grain seem to indicate scarcity of food.
3.Although the high price of HPC itself, but its excellent performance make it a good economy.
4.You should know: In the absence of you before your parents do not like this "boring" , which is for bring up you to pay such a high price.
5.It is nothing less than blackmail to ask such a high price.
6.He said it was a matter of principle and he couldn't accept it for such a high price.
7.He meant to sell the pearl in the capital for a high price, but he was afraid of being robbed on his way there.
8.But, all in all, this is a beautiful, capable laptop, as long you can live with its high price and mediocre battery life.
9.Care is just like the regular Tiger Shrimp and maybe just a little more attention is needed due to the high price.
10.The high price of oil, whose byproduct diesel oil is used in yachts, did not seem to worry anyone in this rarefied crowd.